No state-wide regulations on wood or pellet stoves that we are aware of at the moment. Check with your local authority on building codes to be sure.
No state-wide incentives on wood and pellet stoves that we are aware of at the moment.
Updated: February 2024

Change-out Programs
Wood Stove Change Out Program | Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: Properties located in the PM2.5 Nonattainment Area.
Eligible fuels (exclusions apply): Wood (uncertified), wood (certified), pellet, coal → Wood (certified), pellet, natural gas, propane, home heating oil, emergency power backup system, electricity (includes heat pumps), hot water district heat, Borough listed pellet stove, Catalytic Borough Listed Wood Stove
Notable Feature(s): Deed restrictions that prohibits all future installations of wood, pellet, and coal burning appliances on the property; any solid fuel burning devices left on the property must be registered with ADEC before reimbursement; must use a FNSB Listed installer.
Incentive Amounts
The Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) offers $4,000-$14,000 rebates for Fairbanks North Star Borough residential property owners to upgrade their old wood appliances to EPA certified wood appliances that emit 2.0 grams per hour or less, masonry heaters, pellet appliances, natural gas, heating oil (excludes waste oil), propane, hot water district heat, or electricity. Residents can also receive $2,000 to $10,000 (depending on device) to remove a wood burning appliance only or $750 to repair an EPA Certified Wood Stove or other emissions-reducing components on an EPA certified wood appliance. The program also provides rebates for residents who remove or replace hydronic heaters.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted. Priority is determined by a scoring system. Funding is limited and is not guaranteed unless a purchase order has been issued.
Homeowners will first submit an application and W9 form. Once the application is received, the homeowner will receive a request for picture documentation of the building the device is in and its surrounding area. Then, the applicant will select a listed installer, choose an approval method and submit an approval method document. If approved, the homeowner may submit a deed restriction and then remove or have removed their old device to be disposed properly. The homeowner will then provide proof of the newly installed device and submit receipts if performing self-reimbursement.
Homeowners that replace a wood burning appliance that emits 2.5 grams per hour or more with an EPA certified appliance that emits up to 2.0 grams per hour must choose an appliance that also emits 50% less than their existing appliance. Those who remove or replace a residential wood burning device with a natural gas, propane, or home heating oil appliance must sign a deed restriction that prohibits future installation of solid fuel burning devices on the property. Only Borough listed installers may install any appliance installed through either the Borough’s Wood Stove Change Out Program or the Oil to Gas Conversion Program.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or contact Air Quality Fairbanks at (907) 459-1005 or