California Bay Area: Forbids installing fireplaces or stoves in new construction.
Marin County: Forbids use of non-certified appliances since July 2008 and forbids installation of non-certified stoves in new construction or remodels. Non-certified stoves must be removed upon a home's remodel.
Updated: February 2024

San Joaquin Valley: Forbids sale and installation of non-certified stoves.
Town of Mammoth Lakes: Uncertified stoves prohibited from being installed in the town. No more than one EPA-certified wood stove can be installed in new single-family detached dwellings.
Lake Tahoe: Tahoe "enacted a Wood Heater Retrofit Program similar to those adopted by agencies in such cities as Mammoth Lakes, Telluride, Aspen, and Reno. TRPA’s program has been in effect since 1993. The program requires that all existing wood heaters, excluding legally-existing open fireplaces, comply with emission standards prior to any sale, transfer, or conveyance of any building."
No state-wide incentives for wood and pellet stoves that we are aware of at the moment.
Change-out Programs
Wood Smoke Reduction Program | Calaveras
Status: Active as of November, 2023
Location: Calaveras County, California
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stove or insert → Certified stove or fireplace insert (wood, pellet, or electric)
Notable Feature(s): The program is available to both homeowners and renters. The incentive amount varies depending on property location and applicant’s household income.
Incentive Amounts
Applicants eligible for the “Enhanced Voucher” will receive a voucher that covers all costs up to $5,000. Check for eligibility for the “Enhanced Voucher” here. Other applicants will receive a $1,500 standard voucher.
Program Duration
The Program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Interested participants must first fill out an application here for submission. There is also an Owner/Tenant Agreement form that must be completed. Once the application has been received and approved, the participant must come to the office with a valid photo ID to receive the voucher, which is valid for four weeks. In this time, the stove/insert must be purchased and an in-home inspection and building permit is required. Once the stove has been purchased, the retailer will have 9o days to install the new device. No self-installation is allowed and the old device must be made inoperable and recycled.
Eligible applicants must be using an existing uncertified stove, insert, or fireplace as their primary heating source. Check the device for installation date, and whether it has a certification label. Retroactive rebates are NOT available and the program provides incentives for one replacement per household.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website, call (209) 754-6601, or email Calaveras County here.
Wood Stove and Fireplace Insert Grants | Feather River
Status: Currently not accepting applicants as of November, 2023.
Location: Calaveras County, California
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stove or insert → Certified stove or fireplace insert (wood, pellet, or electric)
Notable Feature: Open hearth fireplaces may be eligible if used as primary heating source.
Incentive Amounts
The program’s Enhanced Incentive Voucher extended to qualified households in low-income communities offers up to $5,000 for participants or $10,000 for a heat pump. Remaining residents are eligible for the Standard Voucher of $2,500 towards purchase and installation of a new wood heating device or $5,000 for a heat pump. Interested applicants can review this map to check their voucher eligibility.
Program Duration
The program is not currently accepting applications. For information when funding is replenished, please contact the District and ask to be placed on a notification list for wood stove grants.
Once participants receive their voucher, a new device must be purchased from a participating retailer within 4 weeks. A licensed contractor must perform the installation.
This is not a rebate program. The replacement device must be purchased after receiving the voucher. Purchases made prior to receiving a voucher are not eligible. Open hearth fireplaces can be eligible if used as a primary source of heat. Please check the map to learn which incentive is applicable for the household.
More Information
For more information, please call the District at (530) 634-7659 or email at
with any questions.
Wood Stove Replacements | Glenn County
Status: Active as of November, 2023.
Location: Glenn County
Eligible Fuels: Pre-1988 or uncertified wood stoves or fireplaces → EPA certified wood stove, pellet stove, or electric heat pump
Notable Feature(s): Installations must be performed by a licensed contractor with required permits and follow all local fire and building codes. Mobile homes and rentals are eligible.
Incentive Amounts
The program offers up to a $10,000 voucher for participants in specific census tracts that are designated as low-income households. The voucher can cover up to $5,000 for a wood or pellet stove and $10,000 for an electric heat pump. The standard voucher available to all households is $2,500 for a wood or pellet stove and $5,000 for an electric heat pump.
Program Duration
The program is currently active, however is only accepting applicants for the waitlist at this time. Once funding is available, waitlisted applicants can receive vouchers in the order they were received.
Once the applicant is approved and a voucher is distributed, the voucher must be used within 4 weeks. The applicant must select a replacement in this time frame from a participating retailer. The voucher can then be applied and the device can be installed by a licensed contractor only.
Applicants must reside in a household, rental, or mobile home within Glenn County. Visit the California Climate Investments Priority Populations 2023 to determine voucher eligibility.
More Information
For more information, contact the Air Pollution Control Officer Association (CAPCOA) at (530) 934-6500 or visit the program webpage.
Great Basin Wood Stove Voucher Program | The Great Basin
Status: Accepting applications beginning December 1, 2023.
Location: Inyo, Mono, and Alpine counties
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stove, insert, or fireplace → EPA certified wood or pellet stove, insert, electric heating device, or ductless mini-split heat pump
Notable Feature: The program is open to both homeowners and tenants.
Incentive Amounts
The Standard Voucher is a $2,500 value. Those that qualify for the Enhanced Voucher that are in Low Income or Disadvantaged communities are eligible for a voucher with a $5,000 value. Keep in mind, these vouchers may not cover the entire cost of a replacement device.
Program Duration
The program opens on December 1, 2023 and will remain open until funds are depleted.
In order for an application to be accepted, applicants must provide a photograph of their current wood-burning device that they wish to replace. They must complete all entries on the application and send the application to the District. The voucher can then be redeemed at a participating retailer. Vouchers can be used as an instant rebate off of the selected device. New devices will be installed only by licensed professionals and with a proper building permit. Installations must take place within 90 days after voucher redemption. Old stoves or devices must be surrendered to the participating retailer. In addition, proper training on wood storage and burning practices will be provided.
To qualify for the Enhanced Voucher, applicants must provide proof of participating in a Low-Income program, being located in a Low Income Household, or residing in a Low Income or Disadvantaged community project. Professional installation and building permits are required. Participants have 90 days to install their new device after the voucher is redeemed.
More Information
For more information please contact the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District at (760) 872-8211 or Please review the program voucher application for further details.
Wood Smoke Reduction Program | Kern County
Status: Currently inactive as of November 2023.
Location: Kern County
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stoves → Certified wood, pellet, electric stove, or wood, pellet, or electric fireplace insert
Notable Feature: The heating device must be the household’s primary heat source.
Incentive Amounts
Participants can receive up to $5,000 if they qualify for the Enhanced Voucher.
Program Duration
The program is currently inactive due to lack of funding.
Interested applicants must first submit a completed application, including a photograph of their current heating device they wish to replace. Proof of address must be ascertained. The voucher can then be used towards a device from a participating retailer.
To qualify for the Enhanced Voucher, applicants must be located in a designated Low-Income/Disadvantaged Community or they must be able to provide proof of participating in a low-income assistance program.
More Information
For more information about the program, please visit the program webpage, email, or call (661) 862-5250.
Wood Smoke Reduction Program | Lassen County
Status: Active as of November, 2023
Location: Lassen County
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stoves, fireplace inserts, or open-hearth fireplaces → Certified wood stove, insert, electric stove, or electric heat pump
Notable Feature: The program is open to both homeowners and tenants.
Incentive Amounts
The Standard Voucher is valued at $1,500 and the Enhanced Voucher is valued at $3,000 to $5,000. Please note that the Standard Voucher will not cover the entire cost of the new heating device.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Applicants must complete the program application. The application will include details to identify voucher eligibility. Once the applicant is approved and the voucher is issued, it must be redeemed within 4 weeks from the date of issuance. The applicant will then schedule an estimate with the participating retailer. A licensed professional must install the new device within 90 days of voucher redemption. Old devices will be removed by and surrendered to the retailer. The participant will receive training on how the new device operates.
Must be a homeowner or tenant within Lassen County.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program webpage or email the Lassen County Air Pollution Control District at
Wood Smoke Reduction Program | Santa Barbara County
Status: Closed as of November, 2023; expected to re-open in 2024
Location: Santa Barbara
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stove, fireplace insert, or fireplace → electric, pellet, wood, insert, or electric air-source heat pump
Notable Feature: Natural gas and propane fireplaces inserts and stoves are not eligible.
Incentive Amounts
Participants that are granted an Enhanced Incentive Voucher are eligible for up to $10,000 towards a new electric air-source heat pump or $5,000 for a different eligible heater. Participants that are granted the Standard Voucher are eligible for up to $5,000 towards a new electric air-source heat pump or up to $2,500 toward the other eligible heaters.
Program Duration
The program plans to reopen in 2024 and will continue until funding is depleted.
To participate, applicants must first confirm eligibility for either of the vouchers, complete the application and send it to the District. Upon acceptance into the program, participants will receive their voucher and contract a participating retailer within 4 weeks of issuance. A building permit must be acquired before installation can take place.
Participants must be living within Santa Barbara County.
More Information
For more information and to be added to the notification list about the future of the program, please email In addition, please call the District at (805) 979-8050 or visit the program webpage.
Wood Smoke Reduction Program | Tehama County
Status: Active as of November, 2023
Location: Tehama County
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stove, insert, or fireplace → electric stove heater, electric heat pump, pellet, hybrid wood, catalytic wood or select non-catalytic wood stoves
Notable Feature: Vouchers are extended only to Tehama county property owners with a currently installed and operation uncertified appliance.
Incentive Amounts
Participants that are granted an Enhanced Incentive Voucher are eligible for up to $10,000 towards a new electric heat pump or $5,000 for a different eligible heater. Participants that are granted the Standard Voucher are eligible for up to $5,000 towards a new electric heat pump or up to $2,500 toward the other eligible heaters.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Interested applicants must first submit a completed application, including a photograph of their current heating device they wish to replace. Proof of address must be ascertained. The voucher can then be used towards a device from a participating retailer.
To qualify for the Enhanced Voucher, applicants must be located in a designated Low-Income/Disadvantaged Community or they must be able to provide proof of participating in a low-income assistance program.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program webpage or contact the District at (530) 527-3717 or
Wood Smoke Reduction Program | Tuolumne County
Status: Active as of November, 2023
Location: Tuolumne County
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stove or insert → Certified stove or fireplace insert (wood, pellet, or electric)
Notable Feature(s): The program provides incentives for one replacement per household. Homeowners and renters are eligible.
Incentive Amounts
Participants that are granted an Enhanced Incentive Voucher are eligible for up to $3,500 towards an eligible heater. Participants that are granted the Standard Voucher are eligible for up to $1,000 towards an eligible heater.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Interested applicants must first submit a completed application, including a photograph of their current heating device they wish to replace. Proof of address must be ascertained. The voucher can then be used towards a device from a participating retailer.
To qualify for the Enhanced Voucher, applicants must be located in a designated Low-Income/Disadvantaged Community or they must be able to provide proof of participating in a low-income assistance program. Review guidelines for the Enhanced Voucher here.
More Information
For more information please contact the Air Pollution office at or visit the program webpage.
Wood Smoke Reduction Program | Yolo-Solano County
Status: Active as of November, 2023
Location: Within the Sacramento Federal PM2.5 Nonattainment Area (NAA). Check address here.
Eligible Fuels: Uncertified wood stove, fireplace insert, or open-hearth fireplace → Certified wood stove/insert, natural gas, propane, or electric heating device
Notable Feature: Must be able to provide the amount of wood used in existing fireplace or wood stove in the form of number of cords, logs, and number of days used.
Incentive Amounts
Participants that are granted an Enhanced Incentive Voucher are eligible for up to $3,500 towards an eligible heater. Participants that are granted the Standard Voucher are eligible for up to $1,000 towards an eligible heater.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
To participate in the program, individuals must first ascertain their program eligibility. Next, they must visit a participating retailer and schedule an appointment for a quote to be submitted with the application. Once the application has been submitted and approved, a voucher will be issued and the heating device purchased. Once the new equipment is installed, the retailer will provide the customer with Burn Wise Educational Materials. Then the retailer will provide a final report to YSAQMD with photos and documentation of the installation as required by the Program Information and Retailer Agreement.
See specific guidelines for the program here.
More Information
For more information, please contact the District office at (530) 757-3650 or and visit the program webpage.
Woodstove Replacement Program | Alpine County
Wood Smoke Reduction Incentive Program | Bay Area
Status: Inactive as of October 11, 2023
Location: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, southwestern Solano, and southern Sonoma counties
Eligible Fuels: Wood (uncertified) (certified) -> propane, electricity (heat pump), natural gas
Notable Feature: One of very few programs that does not allow new certified wood or pellet appliances to be installed.
Incentive Amounts
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District used to provide $1,000-$3,500 incentives to residents to replace a wood-burning heating device with an electric heat pump, natural gas device, or propane device.
Program Duration
Applicants must apply to have their project approved and receive a Notice to Proceed from the Air District before proceeding. Approved projects will receive a reimbursement rebate after completion.
Applicants must own a residential property located with the Air District’s jurisdiction. The Bay Area will ban the use of uncertified wood stoves beginning in November 2016 (residents without other heating options must acquire an EPA certified wood stove and register the device with the District).
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or contact the Grants Programs Information Request Line at (415) 749-4994.
Chimney Smoke Reduction Incentive Program (Chimney Smoke RIP) | El Dorado County
Status: Active as of November, 2023
Location: El Dorado County
Eligible Fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood (certified), pellet, propane, electric, natural gas
Notable Feature(s): Pre-approval inspection required before removal. Additional incentive in Tahoe area, where pollution is the worst. In that area, no uncertified stove can be installed and they must be removed upon sale of home.
Incentive Amounts
$500 ($800)* for removal of old wood burning device and replacement with a new EPA Phase II certified wood stove, fireplace insert, or pellet stove.
$599 ($899)* for removal of old wood burning device and use of existing or installation of a new electric, natural gas or propane furnace or appliance.
AQMD will pay for the cost of the associated basic Building Permit (if required).
*Tahoe Applicants: The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) has provided funds for an additional $300 for replacements within their jurisdiction (i.e., residents in the Tahoe Basin).
Low income households and residents in designated low income communities can be eligible for up to $2,000 in total incentives thanks to new funding from the US Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Online application or call (530) 621-7501. You must FIRST obtain Pre-Approval from AQMD for project eligibility (site visit required). Incentive checks will be issued directly to the approved applicants after completion of the woodstove installation, until funding is depleted.
The home must be your primary residence in El Dorado. Long-term rentals are eligible with some restrictions. Woodstove to be removed must not be an EPA certified unit (uncertified). Fireplaces with attached glass or metal doors are eligible if used to heat the home. Open-face fireplaces (no glass or metal doors) are eligible if it is the only source of heat in the home (i.e., no wall furnaces, baseboard heaters, central forced air, etc.).
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or call (530) 621-7501.
Wood Stove Rebate Program | Marin County
3-2-1 Burn Clean! Wood Appliance Replacement Program | Northern Sonoma County
Burn Bright Burn Rite Wood Stove Replacement Program | Placer County
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: Carnelian Bay, Homewood, Kings Beach, Lake Forest, Tahoe City, Tahoe Vista & Tahoma
Eligible Fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood (certified), pellet, gas
Notable Feature(s): Residents can potentially receive a voucher to upgrade multiple devices per resident (although they are only allowed one update per year.) “This program is a collaboration between the Placer County Air Pollution Control District and the El Dorado Air Quality Management District.”
Incentive Amounts
Placer County is offering qualified applicants vouchers from $599 to $2000 to replace their old, uncertified wood stoves or fireplaces with an EPA-certified wood or pellet stove/insert, gas, or electric heating device.
Program Duration
The program is on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is depleted.
Applications open early 2024. Sign up here for updates.
The wood stoves that are to be removed cannot be an EPA certified unit (must be uncertified.) Uncertified wood appliances must be used in a primary year round residence. Property owners are only allowed one upgrade per year. Fireplaces are eligible with attached doors if used to heat the home, or open face fireplaces if they are the sole heat source. Installations of uncertified wood appliances are banned by County Rule 225.
More Information
If you are an interested applicant or merchant interested in participating in the program please contact Molly Johnson, by phone (530) 745-2326 or by email at with questions or for additional information.
Greater Portola Woodstove Change-out Program | Plumas County
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: The Greater Portola Area in Plumas County, Butte, Colusa, Glenn, and Shasta County, and Feather River AQMD and Tehama APCD
Eligible Fuels: Wood (uncertified) → Wood (certified), pellet, propane, electric heat pump, or kerosene
Notable Feature(s): Owner-tenant agreement allows stove replacements in rentals; mobile/manufactured home homeowners are also eligible; program is assisted by a part-time Spanish-speaking employee to help reach and work with the Spanish-speaking community.
Incentive Amounts
Residences inside the Portola Sphere of Influence (Zone 1) are eligible for up to $5,000 to replace a wood heating device with an EPA certified wood burning device, or up to $6,500 to replace it with an EPA certified pellet, propane, or kerosene heating device, OR up to $13,500 to replace their device with an ENERGY STAR compliant air source heat pump (electric.) Residences within the City of Portola Sphere of Influence, but within the Greater Portola PM2.5 Nonattainment Area are eligible for up to $3,500 to replace a qualified wood heating device with an EPA certified burning device that meets New Source Performance Standards, or up to $4,500 to replace it with an EPA certified pellet, propane, or kerosene heating device, OR up to $13,500 to replace their device with a qualified wood/pellet heating device with an ENERGY STARⓇ compliant air source heat pump (electric.)
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until October 31, 2026 or until funds are depleted. Funding comes from the US EPA’s 2015, 2018, and 2020 Targeted Air Shed Grant Program, the District’s AB2766 program and other agencies.
In order to be eligible for a grant award, applicants in Zone 1 and Zone 2 must fill out their respective applications. In order to apply for a voucher outside of the area in a neighboring county (listed above under Location), the applicant must request a Checklist Form, an Application Form, and an Owner/Tenant Agreement Form. Contact information for respective counties can be found here.
Installation must be completed by a District-approved retailer. Old, uncertified devices must be surrendered for destruction. Applicants must certify that they will operate the new device according to the manufacturer’s instructions, the retailer’s instructions, and EPA Burn Wise, and not burn treated wood, trash, or other prohibited materials. This program also includes follow-up training and a survey.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website. You may also contact the program at (530) 832-0102 or email at
Wood Stoves and Wood Fireplace Change Out Incentive Program | Sacramento County
Status: Seasonally inactive as of October, 2023
Location: Sacramento County
Eligible Fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood (certified), pellet, gas, electric; Wood (certified) -> pellet, gas, propane, electric; Pellet -> gas, propane, electric
Notable Feature(s): Open to renters; includes rebates to replace certified stoves with gas or pellet and even rebates to replace pellet stoves with gas or electric.
Incentive Amounts
The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District is currently offering up to $1,500 vouchers for low-income Sacramento County residents to replace an uncertified wood appliance with an EPA certified wood appliance, or pellet, gas, or electric appliance. Low-income residents are also eligible for $1,500 vouchers if they replace an EPA certified wood appliance with a pellet, gas, propane, or electric appliance, or if they replace a pellet appliance with a gas, propane, or electric appliance. For program status, check the District’s website at
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted. Sacramento County residents with gross annual income levels below those specified based on household size are eligible to apply for the low income program. If these requirements are not met, there is also the non-low income incentive program. If you are a renter, you must get approval from your landlord. A "Renter Property Owner" form must be completed and signed by the landlord.
To qualify for a voucher, applicants must submit a voucher application, income form, proof of income (e.g., Social Security award letter, tax return, etc.), and proof of Sacrament County residence (e.g., SMUD or PG&E statement, telephone bill statement). The District will issue a voucher valued up to $1500 that can be used to lower the purchase price of the new device at a participating retailer.
Participating retailers are responsible for verifying that the old device qualifies for the voucher, recycling the old device, and completing the installation. The District also reserves the right to inspect the device for compliance. The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District's Rule 417 bans the installation of uncertified wood and pellet stoves and traditional open hearth fireplaces.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or contact the District at (916) 440-9663 or
Wood Stove Change Out Program (WSCOP) | San Lorenzo Valley
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties
Eligible Fuels: Wood (manufactured prior to July 1988) -> certified wood burning stove or fireplace insert, pellet stove or pellet insert, electric, ductless mini-split heat pump
Notable Feature: The program has a (double) enhanced low income incentive.
Incentive Amounts
Convert to electric: $2,500 (standard) or $5,000 (low income)
Convert to certified wood burning stove or fireplace insert: $2,500 (standard) or $5,000 (low income)
Convert to pellet stove or insert: $2,500 (standard) or $5,000 (low income)
Convert to mini-split heat pump: $5,000 (standard) or $10,000 (low income)
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
​Review the program information on the webpage then click the ONLINE APPLICATION for specific instructions to apply. Shop - Do Not Buy Yet - shop around and select your replace device. Make sure you know the make, model, efficiency, PM2.5 emissions (for wood burning devices) and cost. Only refundable deposits up to 50% of the purchase price are allowed. Now that you know what device you want to purchase, schedule a visit with an approved Installer to verify your current device qualifies and receive an installation estimate (needed for the application). Only estimates completed on or after 12/14/23 by an authorized installer will be accepted. Obtain the required city, county or state permit for the installation of the new device. ALL projects participating in this program are REQUIRED to get a permit by their local jurisdiction. Building Departments can be found here. The replacement device must be permanently installed by a professional, appropriately licensed dealer approved by MBARD for this program. Self-installation of heating devices is not allowed. Go on to our website and submit your application. Once your application is approved you will receive an approval email. SAVE THIS EMAIL. It includes a link you will need. Once you will receive an approval email, purchase your device and schedule the installation of your new device. Find your APPROVAL EMAIL and use the link at the bottom of the email to upload all required documents and photographs.
Steps outlined in procedure must be followed in order. If a device is purchased and/or installed prior to receiving an APPROVAL EMAIL, your incentive will be forfeited. Wood stove must be used as a primary heat source to be eligible.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website.
Burn Cleaner: Fireplace and Woodstove Changeout | San Joaquin Valley Air Basin
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: Madera, Fresno, the Valley Air Basin portion of Kern County, or AB 617 Stockton Community, Kings, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare County Residence
Eligible Fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood (certified), pellet, gas, electric heat pump; Wood (certified) -> pellet, gas, electric heat pump
Notable Feature: Includes renters.
Incentive Amounts
​​The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District offers $1,000-$5,000 vouchers for tenants and homeowners who replace an uncertified or certified wood burning device with a certified wood, pellet, natural gas, or electric heat pump (those switching to gas and low-income residents receive higher incentives).
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Participants must first fill out a voucher application online including all required documents to the District for approval. Once the voucher is approved, it can be presented to a participating program retailer for purchase of the new device and installation. Participants can then redeem their voucher by submitting a complete Claim for Payment Packet to the District.
Applicants must certify that they will remove or recycle the old device within 60 days of installing the new device. The new device must be installed at the device address for at least three years. District Rule 4901 bans the sale of uncertified wood burning devices and contains other restrictions on wood use.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or contact the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution District at (559) 230-5800 or
Wood Burning Device Change-Out Program | San Luis Obispo County
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: Nipomo, Los Osos, and Paso Robles
Eligible Fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood, pellet, gas, electric, propane
Notable Feature: Offers enhanced incentives for low income households.
Incentive Amounts
​​The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution District (APCD) offers residents vouchers up to $4,000 to replace a wood stove, wood stove insert, or fireplace with a heater-rated gas appliance, or EPA certified wood stove or pellet stove. Review the incentives table here to see what each device change out qualifies for in incentives.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Interested applicants must complete and submit a Wood Burning Device Change-out Application Form for their specific area. The completed application must be returned to the APCD with a written quote for the new gas stove or insert, and pre-installation photos of the old device. Application materials may be mailed or emailed. APCD will review applications and issue each qualified applicant a voucher. Within 90 days of issuance of the voucher, program participants must purchase the qualified gas fireplace or insert, have it installed, secure and finalize necessary permits from either the San Luis Obispo County Building Department then submit the required project completion materials and the voucher to APCD for reimbursement.
Applicants must be the legal owner of the property or be authorized in writing by the owner to apply and must comply with the appropriate building codes and permit requirements. Old wood burning devices must be destroyed or made inoperable. APCD Rule 504 bans the installation of uncertified wood burning devices. Nipomo resident specific guidelines can be found here. Paso Robles resident specific guidelines can be found here.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or call 1-800-834-2876 or email Meghan Field at
Wood Stove and Fireplace Change-Out Incentive Program | South Coast
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: Areas surrounding cities of Riverside (zip codes: 91752, 92501, 92503, 92504, 92505, 92506, 92507, 92508, 92509, 92518, 92521) and San Bernardino (zip codes: 92313, 92316, 92324, 92335, 92336, 92337, 92346, 92354, 92376, 92377, 92401 through 92415, 92418, 92423, 92424, 92427), the community of Boyle Heights (zip codes: 90022, 90023, 90033, and 90063), Chino/Ontario/Corona area (zip codes: 91708, 91709, 91710, 91761, 91762, 91764), and the Norco/Corona area (zip codes: 92860, 92879, 92880, 92881, 92882)
Eligible Fuels: Wood (gas service available) -> gas logs, gas stove, electric, alcohol fueled fireplace insert; Wood (no gas service or wood used as primary heat) -> wood (certified), gas logs, gas stove, electric, alcohol fueled fireplace insert, EPA qualified fireplace retrofit kit
Notable Feature: Offers enhanced incentives for low income households.
Incentive Amounts
Vouchers up to $800 in general and up to $1,600 for low income households. The voucher incentive amount is taken off the total price (including sales tax) to purchase and install a device.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
Interested applicants must complete and submit a voucher application. Customer will then receive the voucher from SCAQMD and can take this voucher to a participating retailer. The customer then purchases an eligible product and pays for installation from the retailer (this must happen on or before the voucher's expiration date).
Self-installations are prohibited. New devices must be installed and old devices destroyed by a retailer or third-party contractor under the supervision of the retailer. The South Coast Air Quality Management District's Rule 445 bans the sale or installation of uncertified wood appliances. Voucher must be used before its expiration date (usually 4 weeks).
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or call 909-396-3833 or email
Woodstove Rebate Program | Truckee
Status: Active as of October, 2023
Location: town of Truckee
Eligible Fuels: Wood (non-compliant) -> wood (Phase II EPA Certified), gas insert, gas
Notable Feature: Stacking the town's rebate with the use of the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District woodstove change-out rebate is encouraged.
Incentive Amounts
$600 for replacement of a non-certified solid fuel burning device with a Phase II EPA Certified device, or
$1,000 for replacement of a non-certified solid fuel burning device with a gas insert, free-standing gas stove or zero clearance gas fireplace
Applicants can receive a maximum of $1,600 in combined rebates per residential unit.
Program Duration
The rebates are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and will expire once the $64,000 in Air Quality Mitigation Funds authorized by the Town Council have been exhausted.
First, determine your rebate eligibility by using the How Do I Know if My Stove is Compliant? and Woodstove Tips information sheets to identify whether your appliance qualifies as a non-compliant solid fuel burning device. Then, apply for a building permit for the removal of the non-compliant solid fuel burning device. Be sure to inform the permit technician that you are interested in qualifying for a rebate so that it may be noted on your permit. Complete a Woodstove Rebate Request application form. Complete a Woodstove Disposal Verification form - this must be filled out & signed by the party disposing of the woodstove (either an authorized local retailer or the Eastern Regional Landfill). Complete a W-9 tax form to submit to the Town's Finance Division. Once a building permit has been issued and work has been completed, schedule a final inspection. The Town building inspector will verify that the non-compliant solid fuel burning device has been removed from the property. Submit the completed Woodstove Rebate Request application form, Woodstove Disposal Verification form, and W-9 tax form via email to on in person to the Community Development Department at 10183 Truckee Airport Road. Your application materials can be processed so long as a final inspection has been passed. Staff will notify you by email if your application qualifies for the rebate program and will provide an estimated date when the rebate will be processed.
Removal of non-compliant stove must be verified. Residents must comply with all Town Building Code requirements for the installation of the new device.
More Information
For additional information on the Non-Compliant Woodstove Removal Rebate Program, please contact the Planning Division at or (530) 582-7700. For questions on applying for a building permit, please contact the Building Division at (530) 582-7821 or