How to Buy a Wood Stove
A review of the various sites that review wood and pellet stoves.

Basic recommendations in what to look for in a wood stove.
Avoid new, uncertified cheap stoves, conventional outdoor wood boilers, etc.
Common Questions and Answers, with lots of photos and stove prices, that will help you buy the right wood or pellet stove or boiler.
Wood stove 101: The do’s and don’ts of how to operate a wood stove
Objective ratings of stoves are nearly impossible to come by. This recommendation of 4 reliable pellet comes from a technician who has made more than 5,000 house calls and kept records on about 10,000 service calls.
Come out once a month and are packed full of news and opinions about wood and pellet hearting. Back issues are compiled here.
Before you install your own stove, check with both local and state offices to see what permits, if any you need. Your insurance coverage could be affected, as well as the efficiency and cleanliness of your stove.
In some parts of the country, there is more free firewood available than you may think. And, lots of cut-your-own programs exist on national and state forests.
Before you install your own stove, check with both local and state offices to see what permits, if any you need. Your insurance coverage could be affected, as well as the efficiency and cleanliness of your stove.
In some parts of the country, there is more free firewood available than you may think. And, lots of cut-your-own programs exist on national and state forests.