Gas Stoves

AGH does not promote or advocate for gas stoves or fireplaces - or any other fossil fuel heating device - but since gas stoves are involved in change-out programs and sold by the same retailers as wood stoves, we want consumers to be educated about them. Our main message is that efficiency is important because gas stoves range from the 30s and 40s to nearly 90% efficient. A more efficient gas stove will save you money and reduce the carbon you release into the atmosphere. Also, always choose a vented gas stove. Unvented gas stoves are health hazards and not allowed in some states.
Efficient Gas Stoves
In the United States, efficiencies of gas stoves are often unavailable and it can be very confusing. The only reliable database is one maintained by the Canadian government. Check their database before you buy a stove, if you want a more efficient one. The brand that makes the most high efficiency stoves is Ortal, based in Israel. A high efficiency gas stove or fireplace can save households money compared to a gas furnace by heating the core area of the house and not the entire house.
The best online resources we have found is this page from the Canadian Government and this retailer also has reliable information. Beware of efficiency claims on manufacturer websites, which are often exaggerated. A few manufacturers either don’t test for efficiency or disclose it, and their stoves do not appear on the Canadian database.
In 2022, DOE has published a Federal Register notice tentatively determining that decorative gas hearths and outdoor heaters, qualify under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. If the rulemaking proceeds, the DOE may prescribe both test procedures and energy conservation standards for these products. This may bring the US closer in alignment with Canadian standards that help homeowners identify more efficient gas appliances, and save money when using them. AGH strongly supports minimum efficiency standards for indoor gas appliances. AGH’s comments to the DOE urged better regulations and more transparency on efficiencies.