How to operate a wood stove
Updated October 2021
Wood stove 101: The do’s and don’ts of how to operate a wood stove
Using a wood stove is not difficult if you follow the following 5 steps. (We link to other non- commercial websites for more information.)
1 . Use dry wood
Tip: Use a moisture meter to ensure its 20% moisture content or less. To get an accurate reading don’t measure the end; split the wood first, then measure the freshly exposed side.
2 . Split and cover your wood early
Tip: Learn how to prepare firewood. Plan on 6 months minimum for soft wood in very dry climates and up to 2 years for hard wood in humid climates. For oak on the east coast, 1 year is usually not enough.
3. Start fires quickly with lots of dry kindling
Tip: Use firestarters if necessary and practice a top-down fire. Most people do not use enough kindling.

4. Give your stove plenty of air
Tip: Make sure your air control is fully open to start the fire. Resist the urge to damp it too far down. Smoldering stoves cause excessive air pollution and give the technology a bad name.

5. Check and/or clean your chimney regularly.
One rule of thumb is to clean it after each cord of wood, especially if the wood isn’t fully dry.
Tip: Hire a CSIA certified sweep and learn from them. Ask questions!

Don’t ...
Ever burn garbage, colored paper, treated wood or driftwood
Leave the door of a wood stove open (other than a crack for first 10 minutes)
Stack your wood or put furniture too close to the stove
Use a stove or fireplace that is smoking up your house
Let your stove smolder overnight
Best Practices
Use an EPA certified wood stove
In densely inhabited neighborhoods, a pellet stove is the responsible choice.
Make sure you check "no burn day" and opacity regulations in your area.
Only buy local wood, including when camping to avoid spreading invasive species.
Talk to your neighbours about wood smoke, whether its yours or theirs.
Get an energy audit and weatherize your house first, to use less wood.