People's Choice Award
Vote for a stove in the 2018 Wood Stove Design Challenge and enter for a drawing for a Biolite stove!
This is your chance to vote for the stove that you think has the most potential to meet residential energy needs. We are not asking which one you would be most likely to buy, because some are far more expensive and complex than others. So please vote for which stove you think is best suited to be part our renewable energy future. Please vote for your three favorite stoves. We are only providing a picture and one paragraph description of each stove and also a link to a longer blog about each stove.
These stoves will be on running on the National Mall from Nov. 9 - 13 but you do not need to be present to vote. Whichever stove gets the most votes will receive the People’s Choice Award On November 13. First, read the descriptions below and note the top 3 stoves you want to vote for, then click here to vote. After you vote, leave your email to enter for drawing of a free thermoelectric Biolite stove, pictured above.

10. Finalists
17. DOE partnership
1. The Green Box Stove by SBI
A moderately priced cord wood stove distributed by a mainstream stove company that uses sensor technology to automate air controls. The controls minimize emissions and maximize efficiency, so anyone can use it and enjoy the benefits of heating with wood. Just load the wood and leave, and let the stove do the rest. Stove plugs into the wall but can still be used in a power outage. Team Blog

2. The VCV Kiwi 2.1 by Flamekeepers
The Kiwi 2.1 VcV stove developed by Ecovision, LTD of Auckland New Zealand is a hybrid stove that automatically regulates air to ensure a clean and efficient burn, while allowing the user to designate heat output. A main attraction is that, like all traditional wood stoves, it does not need or use electricity. The VcV technology is also very consumer friendly in that a stove can be set to low for an long daytime or overnight burn, but the VcV valves will prevent it from ever going into a dirty smoldering burn. Team Blog

3. The E-Stove by Wittus and HE Energy
The E-stove is a living-room-based combined heat and thermoelectric generator developed to produce electricity, heat and hot water. An essential element of this new product is the use of thermoelectric generators, which allows the direct conversion of thermal energy from the wood fire into electric energy. The stove can cover the basic energy required by pumps and controls for the heating of buildings, hot water, LED home lighting and mobile devices. Team Blog

4. The Lumburnator by Stony Brook University
The Lumburnator is a research project that explores using a drying chamber to further dry wood before combusting it. It features a novel firebox design coupled with an electronically controlled air-flow system and exhaust remediation technology. Hopefully some of these students will be among the next generation of stove designers. Team Blog

5. The Continental by George Washington University SEAS
The Continental is an Englander 30-NC EPA certified wood stove that has been retrofitted with a thermoelectric generator. Students at George Washington are attaching a water-cooled thermoelectric generator to the stove. It will produce enough electricity to power lights and recharge electronic devices. Team Blog

6. Downdraft Rocket by ASAT
Designed for heating and cooking, the Integrated Stove combines five modern technologies to optimize heat transfer and combustion efficiency. Designed for heating and cooking in the developing world, this stove uses an improved, low cost thermoelectric generator to generate power for lighting and charging cell phones. The combustion chamber, catalytic converter, and chimney lower emissions to protect the health of users. Development of the stove is also supported by a grant from the EPA’s small business innovation research program. Team Blog

7. The Kd3 By Unforgettable Fire ™
Unforgettable Fire™ is known for its patented gasification technology, which vaporizes the wood and re-burns the wood vapors as fuel. This technology first debuted in the Kimberly™ wood stove, which participated in the 2013 Wood Stove Design Challenge, and has been flipped upside down in the design of the Kd3. The Kd3 is Unforgettable Fire’s largest stove to date and features an electrical power control center which produces electricity by use of thermoelectric generators, and can accept additional electrical power produced by solar panels and wind generation systems. Team Blog

8. The Wiseway by Hi-Z Technology
The Wiseway is a pellet stove that features a gravity fed pellet system and operates using no electricity. It has already been EPA certified as compliant to the 2015 regulations. Hi-Z will add a water-cooled thermoelectric generator to the Wiseway stove that can produce electricity for lighting and recharging electronics, and hot water for cooking and cleaning. Team Blog

9. The Pellematic e-max
This is a wood pellet boiler that heats a large home or small business and also produces electricity. The heat supplied from the wood pellets leads to a piston movement in the Stirling engine which makes up to 5 kW of electrical power, completely maintenance-free. In one hour, the system generates 4.5 kilowatt hours of electricity. With a 10 hour charge, an electric car could go for more than 200 miles. Team Blog

10. The Optimum by 509 Fabrications
The Optimum is the first stove in America specifically designed to burn pressed logs made from sawdust. You can load 3 logs at a time, which are gravity fed into the firebox for a clean and efficient 10 plus hour burn. Each log has 3-5 times the BTU content of a piece of wood, making storage and handling far easier than cordwood. An electric outlet is needed for the stove to operate. Team Blog

Now click here to vote for your favorites and leave your email to be entered to win a free Biolite wood camp stove that recharges your cell phone.