From Saturday Nov. 16 to Tuesday Nov. 19 there will be a series of panel discussions at the Wood Stove Decathlon. The panels are designed to promote networking and engagement with the audience. Click here for a schedule (panel times subject to change). Here is the list of confirmed and invited speakers as of Nov. 8, 2013:
as of Nov. 12, 2013:
Ackerly, John - Alliance for Green Heat
Agrell, David - Popular Mechanics
Atemboski, Alan - Travis Industries, Inc.
Atkins, Dave - US Forest Service
Bartlett, Sean - Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Burkhard, Ellen - NYSERDA
Roy Burrow, aka Brother Bart- hearth.com
Butcher, Thomas - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Congressman Benishek, Dan - (R-MI)
Carbonell, Tomas - Environmental Defense Fund
Carroll, Allen - Catalytic Hearth Coalition
Clarke, Bill - Osprey Foundation
Cordes, Leslie - Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Crockett, John - USDA Forest Service
Crouch, John - Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association
Cullen, Peter - Wöhler
Daken, Abigail, Energy Star Program, EPA
Davenport, Reg - DNR Engineering
Dodge, Ben - Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Rep. DeFazio, Peter - Congressman from Oregon (invited)
Donge, Lily - Ernst & Young
Donovan, Christine - Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Elder, Karen - Schott-Robax
Eldridge, Ashley - Chimney Safety Institute of America
Faehner, Steve - American Wood Fibers
Freihoffer, Dan - Woodpellets.com
Gionet ,Trevor - Alliance for Green Heat
Gist, Ryan - BioLite Engineer
Goldman, Jack -CEO, HPBA
Graber, Theo - Alaska Dynamics
Gregg, Kaitlin - Van Ness Feldman
Haas, Kyle - Maryland Energy Administration
Hallowell, Jeff - ClearStak
Hammond, Prof. James - Howard University
Holton, Mike - England Stove Works
Hopke, Philip - Prof, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, Clarkson University
Rep. Huffman, Jared - Congressman from California
Hushaw, Jennifer - Innovative Natural Resource Solutions
Ikle-Khalsa, Sat Jiwan - Takoma Park Corn Co-op
Issod, Craig - Founder, Hearth.com
Iyer, Venkatesh- BioLite Engineer
Jensen, Maria - Alliance for Green Heat
Jewell, Sally - Secretary of the Interior (invited)
Jussel, Richard - Ofenabu & Feuerstellen
Kays, Jonathan - University of Maryland Extension
Congresswoman Kirpatrick, Ann - (D-NM)
Knaebe, Mark - US Forest Service
Rep. Kuster, Ann - Congresswoman from New Hamphsire (invited)
Larson, Ben - National Wildlife Federation
Lear, Monica - DC Urban Forestry Administration
Lehet, Roger - Unforgettable Fire LLC
Levesque, Charlie - Innovative Natural Resource Solutions
Levine, Elliot - DOE Biomass Program
Mäkeläinen-Buhanist, Mrs. Soili - Finnish Embassy
Mathieu, Sandy - Bellweather
McDowell, Leslie - Building Performance Institute
McFarland, Dan - Inven Inc.
McKim, Craig - Testo
Meigs, James - Editor in Chief, Popular Mechanics
Rep. Michaud, Mike - Congressman from Maine (Invited)
Mitchell, John - EPA (invited)
Moniz, Ernest - Secretary of DOE (invited)
Morrissey, Tom - Woodstock Soapstone Company
Morrison, Joel - West Penn Power Sustainability Energy Fund
Myers, Taylor - University of Maryland, College Park
Myren, Alben - Myren Consulting
Niebling, Charlie - BTEC/Innovative Natural Resource Solutions
Pilger, John - Chimney Safety Institute of America
Rector, Lisa - NESCAUM
Remine, Matt - Walker Stoves
Rhodes, Steve - HWAM
Rider, Dan - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Rizzo, Robert - Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (invited)
Romeo, Joe - ETAS
Rumens, Kurt - Travis Stoves
Saha, Nilanjana - Columbia University
Salafsky, Nick - Foundations for Success
Salverson, Wade - Bureau of Land Management, Dept. of Interior
Sanchez, Rafael - Environmental Protection Agency
Schmidt, Ben - Seeley Lake Changeout
Senf, Norbert - Masonry Heater Association
Seymour, Joe - Executive Director, Biomass Thermal Energy Council
Senator Shaheen, Jeane - US Senator from New Hampshire (inivited)
Bear, Smokey the - US Forest Service
Staver, Ken - University of Maryland
Steel, Al - US Forest Service
Stewart, Jason - Firemaster
Stoelzl, Tomas - Austrian Embassy
Taksøe -Jensen, Ambassador of Denmark
Thomas, Richard - Courtland Hearth & Hardware
Tidwell, Tom - Cheif of US Forest Service
Tinnemore, Rod - Washington State Department of Ecology
Rep. Tonko, Paul - Congressman from New York
Trojanowski, Rebecca - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Rep. Van Hollen, Chris - Congressman from Maryland
Vlahos, Rick - Executive Director, National Fireplace Institute
Wagner, Mary - Associate Chief, USDA Forest Service
Williamson, Scott - Pellet Stove Service
Wittus, Niels - Wittus-Fire by Design
Wolfe, Mark - National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association
Wood, Gil - Environmental Protection Agency (Invited)
Zander, Rod - New England Hearth & Soapstone