The Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge is seeking corporate sponsors at the Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Sponsor levels. The Challenge is a high-profile renewable energy competition that will culminate in a Wood Stove Decathlon to be held on the National Mall in Washington, DC in November 2013.
Sponsoring the Challenge is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your company's or organization's commitment to cleaner burning and higher efficiency wood stove technology. Click here to download a PowerPoint with more information on the Challenge. Contact Trevor Gionet at trevor@forgreenheat.org or (301) 841-7755 to request more information on sponsorship opportunities.
THANK YOU to all our sponsors who support the movement to make residential wood heating cleaner and more efficient!
The Osprey Foundation is a small family foundation that strives to empower individuals and communities through education, health, economic opportunity and human rights in a sustainable way. The Osprey Foundation supports strategies that foster the preservation of ecological diversity including the development of national policies surrounding the awareness and promotion of green technologies.
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is a regional planning agency comprised of 22 local member governments. COG hosts committees that study climate and energy issues on behalf of our regional members. In addition, our Region Forward vision outlines the need for renewable energy sources as one of its sustainability goals. COG is working to harness the value of urban timber and diverting municipal wood waste from the region's landfills to minimize 'green waste' and to better utilize wood that is generated from storms and routine tree maintenance. Cultivating uses for wood byproducts in the energy market builds on our work in identifying alternative and home-grown energy solutions.
The West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund (WPPSEF) is a nonprofit organization which was created as a part of the West Penn Power Restructuring Plan Settlement Agreement with the West Penn Power Company and the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission in October 1998. The mission of the WPPSEF is to promote the use of renewable fuel and clean energy, energy conservation and energy efficiency, and the start-up, attraction, expansion, and retention of sustainable energy businesses.
The Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture whose Sustainable Operations seeks to improve energy efficiency with shift toward renewable energy such as biomass. The Forest Service's goal to increase the amount of America's energy that comes from forests requires coordination to improve the use of woody biomass in tandem with forest management activities on public and private lands.

The Arbolito Foundation was created to support individuals and organization that culitivate compassion and peace in the world. Established in 1997, We contribute to non-profit groups worldwide and award grants to individuals who create positive ripples within theirr community
SCHOTT ROBAX® transparent glass ceramic is a key component of an EPA certified and clean burning heating appliance. Because the glass can withstand extremely high temperatures, it allows the fuel (wood) inside the unit to burn hotter and more complete. This equates to more heat transferred into the room, and less particulates into the air.
The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to chimney and venting system safety. CSIA is committed to the elimination of residential chimney fires, carbon monoxide intrusion and other chimney-related hazards that result in the loss of lives and property. To achieve these goals, CSIA devotes its resources to educating the public, chimney and venting professionals and related industries about the prevention and correction of chimney and venting system hazards.