No state-wide regulations on wood or pellet stoves that we are aware of at the moment. Check with your local authority on building codes to be sure.
Financial Incentive: Rebate, Tax credit
Type: Residential, Commercial
For: Advanced wood heating, Pellet and wood stoves
Incentive Amount: $3,000 rebate, $400 instant rebate
Summary: The Advanced Wood Heat incentive is available for efficient central wood pellet heating systems. For systems installed in homes and small commercial spaces (<5,000 sq ft heated space):
A $3,000 discount will be applied to the cost of the your system when you work with an Efficiency Excellence Network contractor.
Projects are also eligible for a $3,000 rebate from Efficiency Vermont.
For wood and pellet stoves, there is a $400 instant rebate at participating retailers.
Updated: February 2024

Change-out Programs
Residential Woodstove Change-out (WSCO) & Repair Program | Vermont
Status: Active as of October 2023
Program Boundary Area: State-wide
Eligible fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood (certified), pellet (certified)
Notable Feature: There is a low income incentive enhancer.
Incentive Amounts
For stove change-out the incentive will be set at a dollar amount calculated at 80% of cost for low-income and 60% for moderate income, subject to the following limits: the maximum incentive amount per household is $6000 for a new stove and a maximum incentive of $10,000 for a new stove plus repairs. For repairs of EPA certified stoves newer than 20 years old the incentive will be set at a dollar amount calculated at 80% of cost for low-income and 60% for moderate income, subject to the following limits: the maximum incentive amount per household is $4,000 for repairs to EPA-certified stoves newer than 20 years old.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
The stove retailer must completely fill out the Incentive Voucher Application form and submit it to the State c/o RERC to be eligible to receive the incentive payment from the State/CEDF. Completion of the Incentive Voucher form includes invoices and photo documentation of each old stove and newly installed stove.
New stove and its installation must meet Vermont’s current Fire & Building Safety Codes. Old stoves must be properly disposed of by the Stove retailer at a material recycling facility.
More Information
For more information, please email